Subscribe to South Jersey CrashPlan

Thank you for choosing South Jersey CrashPlan as your managed online backup solution provider.

Please complete the form below telling us how many computers you wish to protect and how much storage you will need. After you complete the check-out we will contact you with installation instructions.

Once your computer is online, we’ll help you with the proper file selection and will make sure your backups are always running properly!

For a limited time, The Byte Shop is offering three months of protection for free!  When completing the checkout, please specify discount voucher code backme3 and we won’t bill your credit card for three months!

The Byte Shop would like to reach out to offer assistance to businesses affected by any natural disaster. Here in New Jersey we are still recovering from Hurricane Sandy.

Although the time to implement a backup and recovery solution is before such a disaster strikes your business, we can help you to be prepared for the future by getting you online now without worrying about the costs. We know many of you are under additional stress to get back to business as usual which can involve a huge cost for both your time and expenses. The Byte Shop will give you six months of free service to help relieve your stress about data backups and let you concentrate on the other aspects of your business.

Just use discount voucher code backme6 and use the comment field to tell us about yourself

South Jersey CrashPlan is a service of The Byte Shop, LLC.

Please read the End User License Agreement below.
You will be asked to acknowledge the license agreement during checkout

Prices shown below and in the shopping cart are per month charges*. (pricing starts at $45/month see pricing)
* for large orders, please select the highest values and describe your requirements in the comment section of the shopping cart.

Your credit card will not be charged until the first of the month following your trial period
